Registered Nurses Providing Quality Foot & Nail Care
Currently serving Southeastern &
South Central Wisconsin
Schedule an appointment today: (262) 719-0336
Pricing of Services
To best accommodate inflation, support essential business functions, and fairly compensate our nurses, prices are as listed below:
Toenail Trimming with Lotion Application
*Janesville Senior Center - $40.00
Fingernail Trim
$20.00 when performed alone
$15.00 when combined with toenail trimming
Foot Massage Only-must request at scheduling as not all RN's do this
Home Visit Toenail Trimming with Lotion Application
$80.00* ($80 for 1st hour, $20 per 30 minutes after)
*Two people in the same household would be be charged $115.00 total
($80.00 for one client + $35.00 for second household client)
*Fingernails is an additional $15.00/person
Gratuity is graciously accepted.